Earlier in the year we were introduced to the library and shown how to access vast amounts of information across a number of institutes (mainly The University of Essex and the U.E.A.) we were set the task of creating a concise bibliography, which includes two journal articles, two non-fiction novels, and two contributors to non-fiction novels. And at long last the list is here shown below. However when it comes to using Zotero, I would strongly suggest using it with another web browser if you are a Chrome user, or try using the stand alone. So let's see how this goes.
Adams, E. (2003) Break into the game industry; How to get a job making video games. Emeryville (Ca): McGraw Hill/Osborne.
Adams, E. (2009) Fundamentals of game design. 2nd edn. Berkeley, CA: New Riders.
Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research (no date) [E-journal].
Loading: Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association (no date) [E-journal].
Dr. Doug Binks, D.Phil, 2010. "Game Programming Gems 8". Lake. A Course Technology PTR.
Byrne. B, 2010, Fields, T.
Distributed Game Development: Harnessing Global Talent to Create Winning Games,
Focal Press; 1 edition (2010)
I hope this is all correct (if not then most of it to be in the right place).
There doesn't appear to be any contributions to books, nor any journal articles, included in this bibliography. For examples of each kind of entry, see http://criticalgamesblog.blogspot.co.uk/2011/10/bibliography-via-zotero.html