Wednesday, 21 March 2012


Earlier in the year we were introduced to the library and shown how to access vast amounts of information across a number of institutes (mainly The University of Essex and the U.E.A.) we were set the task of creating a concise bibliography, which includes two journal articles, two non-fiction novels, and two contributors to non-fiction novels. And at long last the list is here shown below. However when it comes to using Zotero, I would strongly suggest using it with another web browser if you are a Chrome user, or try using the stand alone. So let's see how this goes.

Adams, E. (2003) Break into the game industry; How to get a job making video games. Emeryville (Ca): McGraw Hill/Osborne.

Adams, E. (2009) Fundamentals of game design. 2nd edn. Berkeley, CA: New Riders.

Game Studies: The International Journal of Computer Game Research (no date) [E-journal].

Loading: Journal of the Canadian Game Studies Association (no date) [E-journal].

Dr. Doug Binks, D.Phil, 2010. "Game Programming Gems 8". Lake. A Course Technology PTR.

Byrne. B, 2010, Fields, T. 
Distributed Game Development: Harnessing Global Talent to Create Winning Games,
Focal Press; 1 edition (2010)

I hope this is all correct (if not then most of it to be in the right place).

1 comment:

  1. There doesn't appear to be any contributions to books, nor any journal articles, included in this bibliography. For examples of each kind of entry, see
