Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Intro to Critical Games Studies Interview Questions

Q) What is the title of the book (fiction) I am currently reading?

A) Neuromancer, William Gibson.

Q) What is the title/topic of the book (non-fiction) you are currently reading (or the last non-fiction book you read)?

A) Challengers for game designers.

Q) What is the last live performance (music, drama or dance) you attended?


Q) What is the title of the last film you saw at the cinema / online or watch on DVD?

A) Fright Night

Q) How often do you read a newspaper? (Which one?)

A) Rarely (once a month) i, Independent, Guardian or the Times.

Q) Which art gallery / museum / exhibition did you last visit?

A) UCS Student Exhibition

Q) How many hours a week do you spend playing video games?

A) Five hours.

Q) How many hours a week do you spend playing games other than video games?

A) One hour.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Joe,

    It'd be good to make the blog a little more conversational. Longer posts, with some comments or opinions, would add some of your personality to the entries.
