1) “But many have a crisis of confidence, and feel stuck in a catch-22: If only game designers can design games, and you can only become a game designer by designing games, how can anyone ever get started? (Basically saying for many it’s a case of confidence boosting).
2) “Game design is decision making, and decisions must be made with confidence. Will you fail some times? Yes you will. You will fail again, and again, and again. You will fail man more times than you will succeed. You will come to love your failures, because each failure brings you a step closer to a truly phenomenal game.
3) Skills a Game Designer Needs? Animation, Anthropology , Architecture, Brainstorming, Business , Cinematography, Communication, Creative Writing, Engineering, History, Management, Mathematics, Music, Psychology, Public Speaking, Sound Design, technical Writing, Visual Arts.
4) The most important skill for a game designer is listening. Game designers must listen to many things. These can be grouped into five major categories: Team, Audience, Game, Client, and self.
5) You will need to listen to your team, since you will be building your game and making crucial game design decisions together with them.
6) There are two kinds of gifts. First, there is the innate gift of a given skill. This is the minor gift. If you have this gift, a skill such as game design, mathematics, or playing the piano comes naturally to you. You can do it easily, almost without thinking. But you don’t necessarily enjoy doing it. there are millions with minor gifts of all kinds, who although gifted, never do anything with their gifted skill, and this is because they lack the major gift.