Sunday, 31 August 2014

Projects to look out for in the next few months

Hey guys! In the next few months you will be seeing more blog updates here and I will probably be posting some links to some of my projects that are in the works. For the time being I will be producing one prototype or Demo roughly every month. This is for many reasons. I normally over scope projects, so I will be keeping all of these projects as well scoped as possibly so they will be small projects.

Another reason is so that I can find out what people will like. I mean, I would rather spend a month off a prototype and get it as polished off as possible, and see if it is a viable product, then spend a year one something and find out it's a flop. With these projects, if the player enjoys the game and I receive plenty of positive feedback and people would like more, then I will produce more of it. This way if things go wrong I can say I have learnt something and move onto the next project.

The last reason is that I would like to improve my skills with Unity and with design in general. I have been reflecting on my last project and will continue to do so, so that I will learn from the many mistakes of my last project (with that one I had pretty much every mistake in the book if not all of them).

My next blog post will be about my current project and the research I am undertaking with it. I will also probably be posting the results from each iteration (with out giving too much away).

Thanks for reading and I will post my next entry next week. :)